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CONNECT Food Box Collection List

Here’s a list of CONNECT Food we are currently collecting. Please consider donating food to this local ministry opportunity. Place all donated food items in the CONNECT Food Box container at church. COLLECTING – peanut butter, canned pasted, canned corn & green beans, tomato & chicken soup, macaroni & cheese, granola bars, oatmeal packets, fruit…

Going Through The Motions – Sermon Series

Sometimes in our marriage, in our parenting, in our job, and even in our worship we can just “go through the motions.” We may be physically present but in our heart we are disengaged and in our mind, we are disconnected. There is one clear truth about “going through the motions” in our worship…God knows.…

100 Days of Sharing

September 22 through December 31, 2021 On September 22 we arrive at day 265 of our calendar year. That means 100 Days of Sharing begins. Would you pick out someone to bless and encourage? Maybe you could focus on 1 person or 1 family that you want to pray for and look for an opportunity…


UPDATE CONCERNING CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) from January 28 at 2:00pm ACTIVITES RESUMING NEXT WEEK: Bible study class for all ages will be meeting on campus beginning this Sunday at 9:55am!  We are requiring anyone grade 6 & older to wear a mask while in class. Check the list in the attached bulletin for list of classes and new…